Frogtown Road Temporarily Impassable at Welles Lane after Pipe Collapse Monday Morning

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Update 5:49 p.m.

Frogtown Road has been reopened, according to police.

Original Story

Public works officials on Monday morning closed Frogtown Road east of Welles Lane after a pipe collapse near that intersection.

Reports of the 24-inch tile pipe collapsing came in at about 8:40 a.m. and the town “will have to do a total replacement,” requiring a shut-down of Frogtown Road, according to Tiger Mann, director of the Department of Public Works.

Emergency vehicles coming from Weed Street will be able to get to every part of Frogtown Road, but it’s closed to regular motor vehicle traffic, officials said.

The town expects to have the road open later on Monday morning, Mann said.

The repair comes as motor vehicle traffic is hampered on another major east-west artery, Jelliff Mill Road, as crews work to repair the bridge at the mill.

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