Elm Street Arrest: Delivery Man Accused of Stealing iPhone, $59 in Cash

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Police arrested a 35-year-old New Jersey man on Elm Street last Wednesday afternoon following a report that he’d stolen $59 and an iPhone from the office of a restaurant there.

At about 1:47 p.m. on Oct. 14, police responded to a report that two delivery workers had taken money from the manager’s office, according to Lt. Jason Ferraro.

Though police could not locate the second suspect, an eyewitness told authorities that the Jersey City man they arrested had been seen leaving the restaurant and placing the cash under the tire of car parked next to his own delivery truck on Elm Street. He later picked up the money and was stopped walking along Elm Street, the report said.

Police charged him with fifth-degree larceny. He was held on $5,000 bond and scheduled to appear Oct. 15 in state Superior Court of Norwalk.


Police also are investigating a report of a wooden bench stolen from out front of an Elm Street restaurant some time overnight last Tuesday to Wednesday.

It went missing some time between about 10 p.m. on Oct. 13 and 4 p.m. on Oct. 14, according to a police report.

Police were notified of the larceny at 11:11 a.m. on Oct. 15. Just 18 minutes later, officers were dispatched to a Main Street restaurant on a report of a stolen chair.

The silver metal chair had been placed outside the restaurant around 10 p.m. on Oct. 14 when it was being closed up and was discovered missing the following morning.

Both larcenies are under investigation.

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