Drunk Driving Charge for 36-Year-Old Man Who Crosses Double-Yellow Line

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Police late Wednesday arrested a 36-year-old Darien man and charged him with driving under the influence.

At about 11:45 p.m. on May 31, an officer on patrol saw a vehicle traveling southbound on Main Street cross over the double-yellow line, according to a police report.

The vehicle also appeared to be traveling to close to another car as it traveled up Farm Road, the report said.

During a subsequent stop near Village Drive, the officer spoke with the drive and detected the odor of alcohol on his breath, it said.

The driver failed field sobriety tests and refused to undergo a blood-alcohol content test, police said.

He was additionally cited for failure to drive right and following too close, both infraction offenses.

Police released the man on $250 bond and scheduled him to appear June 13 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

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