‘Drifting Silver Rain with Crackling Tail’: New Canaan Family Fourth Committee Eyes Even More Spectacular Fireworks Show at Waveny

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New Canaan Family Fourth 2016

Uploaded by Michael Dinan on 2016-07-05.

Town officials this week approved a $30,000 contract with a Douglassville, Pa.-based pyrotechnic company to put on an even more spectacular fireworks show at the Waveny July 4th event this summer.

The Family Fourth is paid for entirely out of private funds, raised mainly through sales of passes as well as generous donations.

This year, the town is upping its contract between the recreation director and International Fireworks Mfg. Co. from $25,000 to $30,000—partly a step increase after the former price had been held for nearly 10 years, and partly because “we decided we wanted to add a few more things to the show and make it a more exciting show,” Recreation Director and Family Fourth Committee member Steve Benko told the Board of Selectmen at its regular meeting.

“We always have a fantastic fireworks display on the Family Fourth and we have contracted International for 34 years and they have done a great job,” he said at the meeting, held Tuesday morning at Town Hall.

First Selectman Rob Mallozzi, Selectman Beth Jones and Selectman Nick Williams voted 3-0 in favor of the contract.

Jones said that she read the description in the contract and “it makes me want to go into the pyrotechnic field.”

“It sounds like so much fun and it always is an amazing show,” she said.

New Canaan’s show this July 4 will have about 17,278 total shots, according to a copy of the proposal.

The fireworks have names such as Drifting Silver Rain with Crackling Tail, Planetary Saturn Rings Overhead, 300-Shot Crosette Fan, 49-Shot Quick Colorful Salute, Double-Break Peanut Shell with Tails, Battleship Guns Erupting raining Flame into the Atmosphere, Fish and Whistles and Color-Changing Chrysanthemums.

Williams called Waveny’s fireworks “a great show.”

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