A 38-year-old New Canaan woman had an airbag valued at $500 stolen from her SUV on Sunday while the vehicle was parked in the Noroton Heights Train Station lot, according to Darien Police. The Honda CR-V had been locked, police said. More info here on Darienite.com.
Avalon Bay Communities brought a swift housing action in state Superior Court against a tenant on Avalon Drive East who failed to pay her $3,000 rent on April 1, according to a complaint filed May 5. A Notice To Quit the premises went out April 26, the complaint said.

Entry into New Canaan Community Foundation’s first-ever “I [Heart] New Canaan” photo contest. Credit: Chandler Crosby
About 250 out-of-towners applied for 100 available Waveny Pool family passes at $1,175 apiece—a figure that’s down from 280 last year and 300-plus the year before, officials reported at the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting Wednesday night. In all, the Recreation Department to this point has sold 212 passes—with most residents buying the family passes.
Get your tickets now for “Books & Beats,” New Canaan Library’s always-popular “dance party of the year.” Sponsors include Bankwell and April Kaynor & Kelly Defrancesco of William Raveis.
Acme is pushing back on a lawsuit filed earlier this year on behalf of a New Canaan woman who fell down inside the Elm Street grocery store. The woman “failed to keep a proper and adequate lookout” and “failed to make reasonable and proper use of her faculties,” according to the company’s special defense.
New Canaan Police on the morning of May 2 arrested a 48-year-old Norwalk woman through a paperless re-arrest warrant and charged her with second-degree failure to appear. It isn’t clear what the original charges were. The woman was released on $7,500 bond and scheduled to appear may 16 in state Superior Court in Norwalk.

ABC House of New Canaan students in 2017.
ABC House of New Canaan is in the midst of its annual fundraising efforts—donations can be contributed here, through the organization’s secure website.
The New Canaan Police Department from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 28, will sponsor a New Canaan Youth Safety Day in the parking lot of New Canaan High School. Free and open to any child 5 to 12 years old, the event will encourage and develop child safety in car seats and also safe bicycling habits for young riders: proper helmet fitting, bicycle inspections and a bicycle course for young riders. The New Canaan Fire Department and New Canaan Volunteer Ambulance Corps will have vehicles available for viewing, and Connecticut State Police will also be in attendance with a crash simulator demonstration. A limited amount of free bicycle helmets will be provided for children who need them. More info here.

LiveGirl Founder Sheri West (left), Carver Center Director of Philanthropy Joe Gallagher, and Bankwell EVP Chris Chivily with girls enrolled in the LiveGirlTalk after-school mentoring program at the Carver Center.
Bankwell is a sponsor of both the Carver Center in Norwalk and LiveGirl, and the bank recently presented LiveGirl with a $2,500 donation. LiveGirl is a not-for-profit that provides year-round leadership development, mentoring, and empowerment for girls across Fairfield County. Register now for Camp LiveGirl, to be held July 24 to 28 at New Canaan High School.
New Canaan Youth Field Hockey registration is open. It’s open to all incoming 5th through 8th graders (Fall of 2017). Click here to register or go to the organization’s website. Please note that NCYFH has a limited number of spaces. Send any questions to newcanaanfh@gmail.com.

Arianne Kolb
New Canaan’s Arianne Faber Kolb will judge the 58th Darien Art Show and Sale at the Darien Arts Center, to be held June 3 to 10 in the DAC Weatherstone Studio.
Kolb is an art historian and curator of old master and contemporary art. She was the executive co-director of the Carriage Barn Arts Center in Waveny, a curator of paintings and drawings at the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, a visiting professor of art history at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a researcher in the Paintings Department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.