New Canaan Woman Who Fractured Hip after Falling on Icy Sidewalk Sues the Town

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The town this week received a civil summons filed on behalf of a local woman who sustained a fractured hip and other injuries after falling on a public sidewalk in February 2016.

According to a complaint filed by Stamford-based attorney Anastasios Savvaides of Tooher Wocl & Leydon LLC on behalf of the plaintiff, the woman slipped and fell on Feb. 5, 2016—a Friday—while walking between the train station and adjacent commuter lot “due to an accumulation of ice on the sidewalk.”

The fractured hip required surgery and the woman also suffered right upper and lower extremity pain, injury and suffering, multiple contusions and abrasions and “severe shock to the plaintiff’s entire nervous system.”

According to the lawsuit, the town is at fault because it “allowed and permitted the sidewalk to be and remain in a slippery, dangerous and unsafe condition,” failed to clear ice from the sidewalk or provide warnings about its dangerous condition, or to apply ice melt, salt or another method of ensuring a “safe, nonslip surface.”

The woman “has suffered severe physical and emotional distress, extreme pain and suffering, embarrassment, limitation of activities, scarring, inconvenience, disability, limitation of motion and has been unable to perform the household, recreational and normal duties, activities and functions as the plaintiff did before said occurrence.”

She is seeking more than $15,000.

As a result of her injuries, she has had to spend money on medical care and treatment as well as physical therapy, hospitalization, surgical care, pharmaceutical expenses and medical devices, among other costs, the lawsuit said.

Savvaides could not be reached for comment.

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