Letter from Selectman Nicholas Williams: Next Board of Selectmen Should Also Be Effective

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Dear editor,

I’m writing to thank the many supporters who helped me secure the endorsement of the New Canaan Republican Party for selectman recently. 

I am honored and privileged at the prospect of serving New Canaan for a fourth term as your selectman, and am excited to work with the prospective two new members of our board, Kevin Moynihan and Kit Devereaux.  Their fresh ideas are welcomed, and working together, I believe that our board will continue to have a positive impact on our community in the years to come.

Discourse and debate are vital to democracy, and I was so glad to hear from many of my fellow New Canaanites during the election cycle.  Your views are critical to identifying and understanding the issues that impact our town, and I thank you for your input.

I have enjoyed working with Rob Mallozzi and Beth Jones immensely during the last six years, and I’m proud to call them both my friends as well as my colleagues.

I will miss the quiet strength, dignity and wisdom of Selectman Jones.  While we may not have agreed on all matters coming before the Board, my respect for her as a public servant and as a person is boundless.

When someone thinks of Rob Mallozzi, the words caring and compassionate jump to mind.  Rob’s good humor, his pragmatism, and his ceaseless attentiveness to ensuring the well-being and prosperity of New Canaan is undeniable. He arrived in public office here a decade ago and every day thereafter has done what every elected official in our community should strive to do:  put the interest of New Canaanites – all New Canaanites collectively – first and foremost.

While I will miss working with Beth and Rob, as well as the extraordinary level of collegiality that enabled us to accomplish so much, I am confident that our newly constituted board will be able to achieve a similar level of effectiveness in the future.  I relish working for our town as your selectman over the next two years — it is a job worth every ounce the effort.

Thank you again to all who have helped me, directly and indirectly, and not only during the recent campaign but during my time as an elected official over the past ten years.  The amount of enthusiasm our citizens have for New Canaan never fails to impress me, and I’m fortunate to live in a town where the constituents care as much as do the politicians who serve them.

Nicholas R. Williams

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