RTC Announces Two Republican Debates Ahead of July 18 Caucus; First One Next Week

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The New Canaan Republican Town Committee on Monday announced that the organization is sponsoring a pair of debates ahead of the party’s July 18 caucus—a widely anticipated day that will see candidates in three contested races seek party backing.

Featuring all Republican candidates running in contested races for town government, the first debate is to be held at 7 p.m. next Tuesday, June 27 in the large meeting room at Town Hall, the RTC said in a press release. The second will be held July 12, also at Town Hall.

Those running include:

First Selectman


Town Council (four seats open)

NewCanaanite.com and the New Canaan Advertiser are supporting the RTC debates.

The debates will be broadcast by NCTV Channel 79, according to the RTC.

At the Tuesday, July 18 caucus, New Canaan Republicans will select the candidates who will appear on the November ballot on the party line. The Republican caucus will start at 5 p.m. July 18, and will be held in the auditorium at the New Canaan High School.

In addition to the two debates, members of the public can get to know the candidates at a July 10 “Meet and Greet” in the Wagner Room at New Canaan High School, according to the RTC. There, residents are invited to talk individually with Republican candidates seeking endorsement at the caucus.

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