Letter: Glass House a ‘Good Partner in New Canaan’

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Dear Mr. Dinan,

The Glass House is an important asset to New Canaan that attracts many people from all over the country and the world who come to visit and appreciate the beauty of architecture and art on site. These visitors in turn are a revenue generator for our businesses in town that are so vital to this community.

I’m fortunate to have been able to appreciate the Glass House from two perspectives, first living in town admiring and visiting the Glass House, and second to work there. It’s a well-run organization of dedicated people whose love of historic preservation fosters so many goals of its parent, The National Trust for Historic Preservation. This includes stewardship and education for preservation projects throughout the country as well as preserving the beauty of the Glass House site.

However, the Glass House is a non-profit entity with budgetary shortfalls for its projects of maintaining and preserving the various buildings and landscape. Two examples of structures that need urgent attention are the Brick House, closed for more than eight years due to moisture infiltration, and the Lake Pavilion, which has significant erosion.

The majority of funding for these items like these come from ticket sales and fundraising events which are essential to keep the Glass House pristine and an asset to New Canaan. To help meet these goals, the Glass House has requested a modest change in its Special Operating Permit to assist in bringing this much needed revenue.

The Glass House is good partner in New Canaan and strives to conduct its activities with minimal impact on the community. It listens and works with its neighbors, participates in the Chamber of Commerce and supports local businesses and partners with other community minded assets in town such as the Library and Grace Farms.

I support the Glass House in its initiatives and its request to the Planning and Zoning commission for a change to its operating permit and encourage all in our community do so as well.


Kevin O’Connor

237 Wahackme Road

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