Three More Thefts from Unlocked Vehicles in Town

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At least three motor vehicles parked in the same area town were entered and small amounts of money were taken out of two them from Sunday night to Monday morning, Aug. 9 to 10.

In two cases, the owners noticed something unusual at about 3 a.m. All three vehicles were parked not far from the intersection of Hoyt Street and East Maple Street, just southwest of the downtown business district.

In each case, the motor vehicle was left unlocked overnight.

Several overnight break-ins to vehicles and homes were also reported on July 27 in New Canaan on Old Studio Road, Old Stamford Road and South Bald Hill Road. Nearby homes on Old Stamford Road and South Bald Hill Road were also entered, police said.

New Canaan police gave these accounts of the latest three incidents:

The first report came in at 7:04 a.m., Monday from the owner of a vehicle parked in a driveway on East Avenue. Items in the car were disturbed, the owner told police, but nothing was taken.

The owner parked the vehicle at about 5 p.m., Sunday. On returning to the vehicle at about 6:30 a.m., Monday, the owner saw both vehicle doors left open.

The second report was a call to police at 8:40 a.m., Monday. This owner’s car was parked on East Maple Street, and about $7 in quarters was taken from an ashtray. Two foreign coins were left behind.

The owner told police the vehicle was left in the driveway at 11 p.m., Sunday. At about 3 a.m., the owner saw someone on a bicycle with a head lamp riding down East Maple Street. When the owner went back to the vehicle in the morning, the driver’s side door was wide open and items had been moved around in side the vehicle.

The third report was called in to police at 8:53 a.m., Monday. The owner, a Hoyt Street resident who lives near the intersection with East Maple Street, parked her vehicle the day before. The next morning, she found items were rummaged through and every compartment inside the car had been emptied, with the contents thrown around the vehicle.

All the change in the center console was gone, although the thief had left behind valuable items such as a GPS device, a driver’s license and credit cards.

At about 3 a.m., the owner told police, her dogs suddenly were barking furiously. She thought they were probably barking at some wild animal outside, such as a possum.

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