New Canaan Police Urge Caution for Motorists as Higher Temps Bring More Outdoors

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With warmer weather finally coming to New Canaan (it’s meant to linger in the mid-60s, at least early this week), a newly launched cycling group in town and more kids and other residents out and about, police are urging motorists to mind each other for the sake of safety on our roads.

Sgt. Carol Ogrinc, public information officer with the New Canaan Police Department, urged drivers to put away their cellphones and not fall into distracted driving.

“Kids are playing outside in their yards and driveways, riding bikes on their streets, so it’s important to be aware and in control,” she said.

At the same time, cyclists should know they’re expected to follow the rules of the road—ride single file, slow down at intersections and stop at stop signs, Ogrinc told New Canaan’s local press corps during our weekly briefing.

Separately, Chief Leon Krolikowski on Friday said that a town resident had reported receiving an unsolicited phone call from someone asking the New Canaanite to verify Skype account information.

The call appeared to be a phishing scam, the chief said—in other words, an attempt to retrieve personal or financial information through fraud.

Here are Krolikowski’s tips to residents:

  1. Never give personal information(dates of birth, social security numbers, computer passwords, etc.) to unknown persons over the telephone or electronically.
  2. Be suspicious of unsolicited telephone calls and/or e-mails.
  3. Always check information that is provided by the caller to ensure it is accurate and legitimate.
  4. Avoid conversations with unknown callers.

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