New Canaan Sees Rise in Permits Issued to Build Pools

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The number of permits issued to build new pools at private residences in New Canaan has increased by half-again as many in the past five years, and is on pace in 2014 to see the most permits issued in that period, officials say.

From 18 total permits issued in 2009, New Canaan saw 26 permits issued in 2013 and already the town has issued 23 this year, according to data from the building department.

Officials say the rise in new pools being built at New Canaan homes could factor into the projected shortfall from season passes at Waveny Pool this summer. In the past five years the numbers of pool permits issued are:

  • 2009: 18
  • 2010: 21
  • 2011: 26
  • 2012: 21
  • 2013: 26
  • 2014: 23 (to date)

Though overall the town will end up taking in more money this year at Waveny Pool than last, officials have estimated that the total will be about $77,000 short of goals—an important consideration since the pool’s plaster lining must be replaced at some point. It helped the bottom line that the Park & Recreation Commission sold 100 family passes this year to nonresidents, at $1,000 each, and raised rates on other types of passes.

Recreation Director Steve Benko said an additional 10 or so passes have been sold at discounted rates for the month of August at Waveny Pool, helping offset the shortfall somewhat, and that day passes for the pool have increased sharply this year over last.

“We really don’t know exactly why [the number of resident season passes is down this summer],” Benko said. They’re down both for individuals and families, officials have said.

Other reasons, officials have said, include an increase in the number of coveted slots opening up at private clubs in New Canaan, and that some families who had used Waveny Pool in the past are moving away from season passes as their kids have gotten older.

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