$24,000 in Entrance Passes for Waveny Fireworks Sold So Far; Safety Tips

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Though online sales for passes to the Waveny Fireworks once again are showing increases year-over-year, the volunteer committee that runs the event is urging more residents to purchase the passes so that the Family Fourth may remain financially viable.

Through Monday, $24,100 in entrance passes had been sold, against expenses for last summer’s event of about $70,000, according to Tom Stadler of the Family Fourth Committee.

The group reported at its July 16 meeting that to-date overall sales had nearly doubled, and that a handful of residents had made very generous donations above-and-beyond the baseline $35 fee for a pass in order to support the Family Fourth, a cherished New Canaan tradition (tickets are available here for this year’s fireworks, to be held on Saturday, July 4). Even so, a misonception that the event is supported by the town (it isn’t, the Family Fourth fund is entirely standalone) still prevails.

Plans are underway to launch social and online media campaigns to drum up support for the event and to hand out a flyer to residents who walk into Waveny on the day, encouraging them to support the fireworks through a donation to the fund.

Last year’s Family Fourth lost about $15,000—a combination of less revenue from cash sales (about $10,000) and higher costs for staffing the event. Specifically, police cost about $18,000 last year (compared to $10,000 in the two prior years), according to the committee—the difference being that the officers who worked the event asked to be paid for the day instead of taking a comp day later.

With Waveny’s fireworks on the horizon and many local families planning to do their own “home shows,” New Canaan Fire Marshal Fred Baker issued tips to residents on how to display them safely. No aerial or exploding fireworks are allowed to be sold or used in Connecticut, Baker said, and only those 16 and older may use the sparklers or “shower” type fireworks that are permissible.

Here are additional tips:

  • Always keep at least 30’ away from spectators and structures and strictly follow manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Make sure you are in a clear, open area with no dried vegetation or other combustibles that can easily ignite.
  • Never lean over a display when igniting.
  • Always have a garden hose or bucket of water available.
  • If a display fails to discharge (a dud), NEVER look into it or pick it up – let it sit and then dunk it in a pail of water.
  • Be mindful of neighbors and their safety.
  • Remember, most pets are terrified of fireworks so take necessary precautions to keep them safe.
  • Be extremely careful of sparklers – the metal sticks become red hot and can cause severe burns – have a bucket of water available to dunk them in when they have expired.
  • Never ignite fireworks while holding them – always have a level, stable surface to set them on.
  • Don’t throw used fireworks directly in the trash – keep them in a separate noncombustible container for at least 24 hrs. or soak them in a bucket of water to make sure there are no hot embers.

For any questions regarding fireworks or any other fire safety questions please contact the New Canaan Fire Marshal’s Office at 203-594-3030.

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