What follows are excerpts from parking ticket appeals letters filed recently with the New Canaan Parking Bureau. Where available, we’ve included information on the violation for which these people were cited, in what amount, and where and when the violation occurred.
“Merry Christmas! My daughter came home quite upset today after receiving a parking ticket after parking 44 minutes in town. I asked her to write a timeline of her visit to town to include with this letter (see attached yellow sheet). She parked the Jeep at 11:36 and received this ticket at 12:02. She was only going to Salon 5 East for a re-cut to add more layers to her haircut from this past Friday. She was not long. If you would like to see her text times and photos please provide a cell number and she would be happy to supply additional information … I can’t even speculate why in the world she was ticketed after 44 minutes. Please dismiss this ticket.”
Daughter’s timeline:
“90-min parking outside CT Muffin: Timeline of my day
- 11:04 looked for shoes (at home)
- 11:15 in town to library (parked at library)
- 11:36 parked car (Main Street)
- 11:37 realized CT Muffin inside was dead and sent text
- 11:38 checked in at haircut
- 11:45 haircut time
- 12:02 ticket
- 12:15 took photo in [local boutique] of dress
- 12:18 saw ticket
- 12:20 called mother”
—$20 for overtime parking at 12:02 p.m. on Dec. 22 on Main Street

Parking at Weed & Duryea. MS photo
“I was parked on Elm Street from 12:15 to 4 on December 11, 2015. The light post in front of my car did not have a sign on it, however the post 5 spaces up did have one saying 90 minute parking which I could not see until I searched because the posts were covered in garland for the holidays (looked great at least!).”
—$20 fine for overtime parking on Elm Street, $40 fine for second violation
“I received the attached parking ticket on Tuesday. Under the circumstances, I have no problem paying the $5 that I tried to pay on Tuesday morning, but would prefer that the $25 penalty be waived. I tried to pay with credit card and with cash, neither of which was accepted. Please let me know how to proceed.”
—$30 for overtime parking on Jan. 12 in Railroad Lot
“I am writing to appeal the parking ticket I received on January 1st on Oak Street. I am sixteen years old and received my driver’s license in September of 2015. I am a very good and safe driver. I follow the rules I learned about operating a car from studying the DMV manual and in classes and lessons at [a driving school]. I received a perfect score on my permit test and got my license on my first try. However, I was never told that it was not allowed to park against traffic on streets. [The driving school] does not mention parking rules in their curriculum and the DMV manual for new drivers only says the following: ‘No-Parking Zones: There are many areas where you cannot park. Check for signs that may prohibit or limit parking. Some parking restrictions are indicated by colored curb markings. Do not park: On the wrong side of the street.’ I did not know that ‘on the wrong side of the street’ meant that I couldn’t park facing against traffic on a side street. There are no signs on Oak Street about parking rules. I am very sorry that I parked incorrectly and I now know that I should not park that way, and will never do it again. The ticket is for $50 which is a lot of money for me to pay, but I know that my parents should not have to pay for my mistake. I am hoping that I can appeal the ticket and pay a smaller fine. I could even let [the driving school] know that they should include this information in their classes so other new drivers learn from my mistake.”
—$50 ticket on Jan. 1 on Oak Street
“Hi, for some reason the phone app did not properly process my payment this morning. When I arrived back at the station in the evening I re-opened the app and re-submitted my payment. Sorry for the confusion.”
—$30 fine on Jan. 6
“I had an interview in NYC and arrived at Talmadge Hill fifteen minutes before my train. Unfortunately all of the day parking spaces were full. Many of the cars have NY license plates so they are from out of town. I had no option but to park in a permit space as close to the daily lot as possible.”
—$30 fine for parking without a permit at Talmadge Hill
“I’m writing because I believe this ticket was issued in error. I tried to move my car before the allotted time, but was blocked by a Sysco delivery truck. I kept on checking to see when the delivery was done and when I saw the truck driving up the street I went directly to my car. I got to my car at 1:26 p.m., the above referenced ticket was issued at 1:19 p.m. I do understand there was a 7-minute overlap, but I had every intent to move my car appropriately. I respectfully request that this ticket be rescinded.”
“Enclosed is my check for parking ticket but must comment: This is the first time I have come to your town to shop and meet friends. Nowhere did I see a sign regarding time limitation as I was parked between signs and did not even see a sign to look at. I am recovering from hip replacement surgery, on a cane, and could not find handicapped parking and was grateful to find the spot I did across from Pain Quotidien where friends were taking me to lunch to celebrate my coming out. Yes we were there more than 90 minutes but did not realize we had a time limit. How would one do a dinner and movie in your town if they could not walk far to municipal parking? Receiving a ticket during holiday shopping time is certainly a discouragement to ever shop in your town again. Perhaps you will reconsider and refund my check?”
Did anyone win their appeal? Riveting reporting Michael! Keep em coming
Dear New Canaanite,
Congratulations on your second anniversary! I appreciate the professional approach you bring to the coverage of town events and issues. You are performing a valuable service to the residents of New Canaan.
Betsy Bilus
We need to be a friendlier parking community. Encourage people to come and shop for free for as long as they want.
Sharon, I love that idea. The problem is that we do have free parking on Elm Street and unfortunately there is wide spread abuse of the free parking by many of the employees and owners of the Elm Street Businesses. I walk the streets every day and would venture to say that there could be at least 20 non-shopping/eating cars on Elm Street at any time. These are the exact spots that would be customers complain aren’t available for them to come and enjoy our town. Center School lot has permits available for businesses at a very affordable annual rate but the problem still persists. Frustrating…..
My husband has a permit for Talmadge Hill. If a driver does not arrive at the station by morning, all of the permit spots are taken by commuters.
On two occasions when my husband was at home, my son drove my husband’s vehicle to Talmadge Hill in order to get to school in Stamford. On both occasions all of the permit and meter spots were full. Now, even when my husband is home, we “drop off” our son at the station.
The problem is that a parking permit does not guarantee a spot because Parking Bureau sells more permits than parking places. Perhaps, Mike, you should find out exactly home many permits are sold vs. spots.