April 2016
New Canaan Fire Company’s Fourth Annual Recruitment Cookout
RSVP to recruits@newcanaanfire.com New Canaan Fire Company, No. 1 accepts volunteer applications throughout the year. Men and women must be between the ages of 18 and 55, and hold a valid Connecticut driver’s license. A volunteer must reside in New Canaan or reside within 5 miles of a New Canaan border within Connecticut. No training is required in order to sign up as a volunteer. After new recruits join the Fire Company, they participate in training drills covering basic firefighting…
Find out more »February 2020
Honor your Hero. Be a Hero. Donate Blood
The New Canaan Firefighters will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive held in the Community Room at the Fire Department, 60 Main Street. Please consider giving blood by scheduling your visit at redcrossblood.org. Use sponsor code NCFD.
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