The Silvermine Community Association Potluck Dinner is Going South!

The Silvermine Community Association Potluck Dinner is on Saturday, January 26, starting at 6:30PM at the Silvermine Arts Center. Catch up with friends and neighbors! This is a “members only” event. This year we’re going southern, so if you love ribs, southern fried chicken, pulled pork and other scrumptious southern dishes, buy your tickets now. Everyone is requested to bring something to share.

Did You Hear … ?

Police are urging residents to beware fraudsters posing as IRS agents by phoning local numbers and leaving computer-generated or live voice messages. On Thursday, residents reported receiving unsolicited phone calls from people claiming to represent the IRS. When asked whether the call was a “scam,” the caller disconnected, according to New Canaan Police Chief Leon Krolikowski. The actual IRS generally contacts citizens through snail mail, authorities say—never give personal information to unknown parties via telephone or computer. ***

New Canaan Library’s renowned “Conversations with Business Leaders” lecture series this year will feature Jamie Forese, president of Citigroup.

Did You Hear … ?

New Canaan Police say residents have reported multiple break-ins of unlocked vehicles, including overnight last Friday. Several items were taken from a Mill Road vehicle, unlocked in its driveway, and two more cars on Silvermine Road were illegally entered. Darien saw 22 motor vehicle burglaries in a three-night stretch. Officials are urging residents to safeguard their valuables and lock their cars. ***

There are about 514,000 gallons of water in Waveny Pool, Recreation Director Steve Benko said during a Parks & Recreation Commission meeting Wednesday night.

Letter: Grace Farms Lifts Silvermine Arts Center, Community

Dear Editor,

Sometimes I cannot believe how fortunate we are to have in New Canaan, an institution dedicating itself to bringing forward issues that affect us as a culture and a global community; and that does this on an open preserve of environmentally protected property that they share with the community. There is serenity, peace, education and understanding emanating from this one oasis from our busy lives. As a not-for-profit, Silvermine is particularly supported by Grace Farms. As an arts school and arts center, we fortunately fall into two of Grace Farms’ five initiatives. Grace Farms has lifted us to new heights. First of all, they hosted a gathering of local 501c3 organizations where we sat together and told about each of our initiatives.

Did You Hear … ?

A 12-year-old Labradoodle on Wednesday finished its legally required 2-week home confinement after biting a young boy on the leg on Jan. 11, officials said. The Saxe Middle School student stepped onto a private property on Canoe Hill Road after getting off the bus and the dog, a resident there, bit him in the calf, according to a police report. The incident wasn’t reported until the following day, when the boy’s leg began to ache and swell at school, according to the Animal Control section of the New Canaan Police Department. ***

Here’s a big ‘Congratulations’ to 2015 New Canaan High School graduate and All-State First Team baseball player Zack Smith on a rare honor achieved as a sophomore at Newport, R.I.-based Salve Regina University: captain of the school’s baseball team.