Town Eyes 14 Parking Spots at Red Cross Building for Municipal Employees

The town will sign a land lease with the Red Cross to gain about 15 parking spaces for town employees out back of the organization’s Main Street building, and also re-designate some 20 spaces in the Park Street lot that now are being used by construction workers, in order to keep all the parking directly behind the renovated and expanded Town Hall for visitors, officials say. By the time Town Hall is fully reoccupied this summer, the number of spaces for visitors will more than double, from 14 to 30, according to the Town Hall Building Committee. “The good news is that we will have more visitor parking than before,” First Selectman Rob Mallozzi said at the group’s March 23 meeting, held in the Lamb Room at New Canaan Library. Municipal departments located now above Walter Stewart’s—such as the Assessor, Town Clerk, Registrars of Voters and Tax Collector—will start re-occupying the renovated and expanded 1909 building in early May. The estimated $13 million project, whose price tag is closer to $18 million given costs such as renting temporary offices during construction, remains on budget, the Building Committee said.