Around Town
Did You Hear … ?
The owner of 69 Hoyt Farms Road paid the town $1,225 in fees after the Building Department issued an after-the-fact permit for $60,000 of work that he’d done on his own home. The work involved finishing a 917-square-foot basement, creating a bathroom, pantry, main room and back room plus a food prep area, according to the permit. “Kindly note that all the above work was done without obtaining the necessary permits,” the permit said. “This means that all required inspections during construction were not performed.”
The town has scheduled 421 assessment appeal hearings in March, according to a schedule published on the municipal website. Officials have said the town could see a reduction of about $20 million to its Grand List after the Board of Assessment Appeals finishes its work.
We wish the very best to Nelson Oliveira, a journalist that locals will remember fondly as the New Canaan News reporter from about four years ago.