Around Town
Did You Hear … ?
The Board of Selectmen on Tuesday approved proposed new rates at Waveny Pool for the upcoming season and moved forward an appropriation of $131,500 out of the self-sustaining pool’s own fund to get a water heater in it ahead of the Memorial Day weekend opening. If May is a cold weather month, the water temperature can get as low as 68 degrees on opening, before the summer sun moves up the barometer, according to the town’s recreation director. ***
Dozens of residents flocked to the Laurel Reservoir through the weekend to get photos of the bald eagles that had been spotted there Thursday morning, scavenging the carcass of a deer that appeared to have died on an icy surface. Animal Control Officer Allyson Halm said she has seen as many as five bald eagles there, two adults and three younger birds. ***
The new push-button signs planned for pedestrians at God’s Acre where St.