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Egan exudes excellence in all facets of life at Loyola
Loyola senior swimmer and education major Cara Egan reflects on all of her accomplishments as a Greyhound. Congratulations to 2012 New Canaan grad Cara Egan, a record-breaking swimmer at Loyola University Maryland whose educational, athletic and civic accomplishments are celebrated in the Patriot League Network YouTube channel video above. They include what officials are calling the highest student-leader honor that can be bestowed at Loyola, the Diane Geppi-Aikens Service Award. We heard about the video from NCHS teacher and swim coach David Fine, whose Y Nationals-qualifying 1,650-yard freestyle swim in 1991 in the Payne-Whitney Gymnasium at Yale University remains an essential part of New Canaan Y swimming lore. ***
Officials never did find a raccoon that was behaving erratically, perhaps because it was sick, on Feb.