Letter: ‘Thank You’ from the New Canaan Garden Club

Editor: New Canaanite,

On behalf of the New Canaan Garden Club we would like to thank the numerous neighbors and friends of Irwin Park who contributed so generously to the completion of the environmentally friendly Flexi-pave path. Without these generous donors this final installation phase of the pathway would not be possible. 

The first part of the pathway was installed in 2008, and those enjoying the park have appreciated the safety offered by the Flexi-pave pathway due to the extremely strong yet slip-resistant surface. However the pathway was never completed on one side of the Park, and in bad weather the ground became icy, muddy and hard to navigate. Completing the pathway loop will further enhance the park experience for all walkers and joggers. 

Since 2005, the New Canaan Garden Club, in collaboration with the Town, has been responsible for the beautification of the Park. Numerous projects have been undertaken since that time including daffodil and tree plantings, installation of the water fountain and the informational kiosk, the gazebo and the Flexi-pave pathway. 

Our sincere appreciation is extended to the very generous supporters for this most recent park improvement, which will have a lasting impact on the health and well-being of our community. 


Anda Hutchins and Lauren Bromberg
New Canaan Garden Club

New Canaan Library Forms Capital Campaign Committee for New Facility

Library officials say they’ve taken a big step toward fundraising for a widely anticipated rebuilt facility by forming a capital campaign committee. Even before formally launching the campaign, two local donors have generously given $250,000 to get the library going, Director Lisa Oldham said. Working within a budget of about $25 million—that’s how much the library can expect to raise, according to a feasibility study completed in the fall—the new building will approximately double the facility’s usable space. As it is now, about one-third of the approximately 37,000-square-foot library is unusable, Oldham said. “And that’s a really big deal for parents and children,” she said.