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Rosh Hashanah Services To Be Held at New Canaan Nature Center
Thursday, September, 21, 2017 @ 8:00 am - Friday, September, 22, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
Rosh Hashanah, September 21 and 22:
- Morning Services, 8:45am
- Children’s Program 10:30am
- Shofar 11:15am
For this year’s Jewish High Holy Days, Chabad New Canaan Jewish Center will provide Rosh Hashanah services at the New Canaan Nature Center. All members of the Jewish community are invited, and there is no charge to attend and no membership necessary. Reservations are appreciated, but not required.
The High Holiday Services are supplemented by a full program of activities for children aged 3-13 years, including nature walks, songs, stories, drama skits, discussion groups, refreshments, and games. Children can experience the joy of holidays in their own designated facilities, close to their parents.
According to Rabbi Levi Mendelow, the services are designed to be meaningful for all worshippers, from those who are “dipping their toe” into Jewish tradition to those who are fully immersed. Songs, commentary and the use of English-Hebrew prayer books enable attendees of all backgrounds to actively participate.
For the complete schedule of services, reservations, and more information call (203) 972 7708 or visit www.newcanaanjewish.org
About the Chabad New Canaan Jewish Center
The services are arranged by the Chabad New Canaan Jewish Center under the leadership of Rabbi Levi and Michal Mendelow. The Mendelows co-direct the local group dedicated to providing local Jewish resources to the Jewish Community. The Chabad New Canaan Jewish Center offers a wide array of opportunities for people to access their tradition through classes, holiday events, family and children’s programs, a Hebrew School and more.
For more information contact Rabbi Levi Mendelow Email: Rabbi@newcanaanjewish.org Phone: (203) 449 0472 (cell)