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New Canaan Library Book Sale
Friday, June, 12, 2015 - Sunday, June, 14, 2015

The New Canaan Library Book Sale begins Friday June 12! There are thousands of books, CDs, audio-books and DVDs, all donated by the community, and all in great condition. The amazing Children’s Book Sale will be in the Gallery in the library, just outside of the Children’s Library. The adult books are downstairs in the Lamb Room. The book sale will take place on Friday June 12 from 9-5 (with early bird admission for $15 from 9-11; early bird numbers will be handed out beginning at 8am), Saturday 9-5 and Sunday 12-4. On Sunday, you can buy an entire bag of books for $5!
We are also having an eBay auction for special, collectible books. The auction has already begun and auction winners can pick up books during the sale. Books will be added to the auction continuously until the book sale. Follow the library’s eBay profile now to ensure you don’t miss it! http://www.ebay.com/usr/newcanaanlibrary
Contact Karen Willett klwillett@gmail.com if you have questions or are interested in volunteering at the sale.